LymeLight Presents

Navigating Pregnancy and Lyme Disease: From Conception to Postpartum Care
An Online Webinar Presented by
Dr. Jennifer Sugden, ND and Yvonne Sorenson, PA-C
September 10, 2024 : 3PM PT / 6PM ET
This in-depth discussion will cover the often overlooked aspects of Lyme and pregnancy, including whether Lyme transmits to your baby if you are in remission during pregnancy, what testing options you have available during pregnancy, what’s next once your baby is born, and more. An open Q&A will follow the presentation.
Speaker Bios:
Jennifer Sugden, ND
Jennifer Sugden, ND is a licensed Naturopath in both Oregon and California. Although it can be a cliche in this field to say that she treats the whole person, mind, body, spirit – that is exactly what she does.
Dr. Sugden initially received her undergraduate degree in Chemistry and went on to earn a doctorate from the National University of Natural Medicine in Portland Oregon in 2003. Her focus was primary care with 3 years in midwifery as well before moving to California in 2012. She is very well versed in infertility, prenatal care, and postnatal care and how it may relate to Lyme and tick-borne illness. Upon moving to California, she quickly joined a clinic that focused on chronic complex illness and has enjoyed the challenge of these cases over the past 11 years.
There is not a single case in 21 years that was the same, even with the same diagnosis. We each walk our own unique path in life, and it is only through truly listening to a case that she can understand the details of that path and help support each patient on to a much easier and more beautiful trail.
Yvonne Sorenson, PA-C
Yvonne Sorenson, PA-C received her Masters in Physician Assistant Studies (MPAS) at Touro University in Henderson, NV. Since joining Pacific Frontier Medical in June 2007, she has been trained by Dr. Steven Harris and continues to work closely with him and everyone at the practice. Yvonne has become very knowledgeable in the methodologies and treatment protocols of Lyme disease and tick-borne co-infections, as well as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Fibromyalgia, Biotoxin Illness, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, and Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS).
She attends the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS) Scientific Conference every year, and is continuously expanding her knowledge around new and upcoming treatment protocols.