Event Details
- Events: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022
- Event Location: Oregon State University
- Total Amount Raised: $3,570.50
How you can help?
Join with ATO and support
LymeLight Foundation!
Alpha Tau Omega fraternity at Oregon State University is a brotherhood that stands strong together! This band of brothers is honoring one of their fellow fraternity brothers who battles Lyme disease – so they have chosen LymeLight Foundation as their charity of choice. The funds raised from their events go directly toward helping children and young adults receive treatment grants to regain their health and live a life filled with hope!
Spring 2024 – 2nd Annual Alpha Tau Omega Film Fesitval:
March 7th we are hosting our second annual ATO x SDO film festival! Come by and enjoy the festivities for just $2 per person! Half of the money raised will go towards the LymeLight Foundation, while the other half will go towards the OSU STEM Academy. So stop by, enjoy some great, homemade films made by your very own peers, and help support a good cause!
Spring 2023 – 2nd Annual Alpha Tau Omega Signature Event Details:
SUNDAY 5/28 – TUESDAY 5/30
Join us for our philanthropy event at The Dixon sand volleyball courts and ATO! We will be having Tabling on Sunday and Tuesday, a Volleyball Tournament on Monday, and Taco Tuesday the following day! All proceeds will be donated to LymeLight Foundation. We are really excited about seeing who ends up climbing up the ladder to win this event – and eat some good food! We hope you are too, and we can’t wait to see you on this beautiful Memorial Day week!!
Details and Schedule of Events:
Tabling at ATO 12-3 pm (Sunday 5/28)
Check-in: 1 pt
Donate: 1 pt per dollar
Wear blue: 1 pt
Pic with a Tau: 2 pts
Play a yard game: 5 pt
Volleyball Tournament 12-3 pm (Monday 5/29)
Check-in: 1 pt
Donate: 1 pt per dollar
Refreshments will be sold (also earns extra points)
Winner gets Tau-llyball Trophy
Tabling in MU quad and Business Quad from 10-2 pm (Tuesday 5/30)
Check-in: 1 pt
Donate: 1 pt per dollar
Wear blue: 1 pt
Taco Tuesday from 5-7 pm at ATO (Tuesday 5/30)
*There will be vegan and gluten free options*
Points for Tacos: 1 taco = 2 pts, 2 tacos = 5 points
Horchata: 2 pts
Dunk tank: 5 points per Tau dunked or ball thrown
Point Breakdown:
1 pt for each member check-in
1 pt for each dollar donated
1 pt for wearing blue
2 pts for pic with a Tau
2 pts for Horchata
2 pts for 1 taco
5 pts for 2 tacos
5 pts per Tau dunked / ball thrown
5 pts for Sunday yard games
25 pts for each team participating
25 pts for each shirt purchased
100 pts for the final two teams
150 pts for overall winner
The overall highest scoring team will receive the Tau-lley ball trophy and be highlighted on our Instagram.
For more details about joining the event please contact:
Parker Levy Levysa@oregonstate.edu / 970-319-0147