Event Details

  • Event Date: Aug 9 – Oct 4, 2024
  • Event Location: Nationwide
  • Fundraising Details: 100% of donations benefit LymeLight Foundation.

Set up a Mentoring Call with Liza!

Think about what you would spend to hang out with a friend and get some advice and guidance: a cup of coffee ($10), a glass of wine ($25), a mani/pedi outing ($50) . . . consider donating that instead to LymeLight Foundation and spend quality time with Liza as she helps navigate you through the challenging Back to School season with your child. You will feel more motivated, confident and empowered to help your child in this transition back to school.

20 or 45 minute calls with Liza to help parents navigate the Back-to-School season for with children with Lyme+

  • Conversations related to 504s and IEPs
  • Help with staying consistent with protocols / therapies, especially with back to school
  • Perspectives, experience and insights for various treatment options
  • Navigating the emotional distress within the family and outside of the family dynamic
  • How to build empowered through the chaos, frustration and even despair
  • And more . . .

Following a donation of ANY amount to LymeLight Foundation, a Calendly link to sign up for a one-on-one mentoring call will be provided.

Liza Blas is the former host of the Very Happy Stories podcast. Her two children recovered from Lyme, tick-borne diseases, mold illness and PANS. During her podcast years, Liza actively served as a mentoring and empowerment coach to mothers who are navigating the complex medical journey and parenting journey. Today, Liza works as the new Community Manager for the Vital Plan Network and works very closely with Bill Rawls MD and the Vital Plan team.

For the back-to-school transition, Liza will be providing mentoring calls. Don’t miss this opportunity to speak with Liza directly and gain valuable and empowering advice. As your healing journey continues, this is the perfect time to refocus, regroup or even reset as your child embarks on a brand-new school year.

All funds donated for mentoring calls will benefit LymeLight Foundation to provide treatment grants for children and young adults battling Lyme disease.

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