My whole life changed when I became sick in October 2011. I was 20 years young, now I am 23 years young and am being treated for Lyme disease. Before I got sick, I was attending college but I couldn’t continue due to how sick I felt. I was active in my church, helping with the bus ministry, singing solos and singing in the choir. I was physically fit and I worked out every day. I played drums, guitar and wrote songs & sang daily.
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When I first held the letter that came in the mail I was stunned. I had to tell myself to trust my eyes. I wasn’t numb to emotion, but it didn’t truly sink in that your foundation had been so incredibly generous to me! I was grateful, joyful, nearly tearful and simply relieved. I remember sitting very quietly by myself and taking it all in.
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When Meredith and her husband, Jem (Jemeson), found out they were pregnant, they were overjoyed. The news of Meredith’s pregnancy brought a sense of hope, excitement and anticipation for what they expected would be a bright, full future. What they did not expect though, was the pain and the struggle that came with Meredith’s pregnancy and the arrival of baby Oak. Though Oak’s birth was undoubtedly a miracle, it was also the beginning of journey with many challenges, obstacles, and bumps in the road.
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At 4 years old, Sophia has experienced symptoms of congential Lyme disease including significant speech and developmental delays. With a grant from LymeLight Foundation she is now actively under the care of a Lyme-Literate Medical Doctor who has every expectation for a full recovery. Her mom has the peace of mind that she will live a healthy, happy life.
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My life changed dramatically when I got sick. I am not the same person I was before I contracted Lyme disease. While my battle with this illness has been extremely difficult, I have also grown in positive ways as an individual.
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My daughter Sierra is 12 years old. I don’t know when or how she got Lyme. I think she was born with it because it turns out her sister and I have Lyme too.
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LymeLight gave us an opportunity to go on with treatment and pay some medical bills. It helped us out and allowed us to sleep at night. So thank you for that we deeply appreciate all you have done for us.
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I used to love fog as a child. I found it mysterious, creepy and fun to play in. Fog has a mind of its own, it comes and goes as it pleases, always leaving the grass with a misty due. I used to think fog was beautiful, unique and peaceful, but I sure don’t anymore. I suppose it’s not the literal fog I blame, but the fog constantly clouding my mind.
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In January of 2012, 24 year old Ari found himself settling into a hospital room in New Delhi, India, preparing to embark on an exciting and promising journey toward a healthier life. Ari had spent a decade battling chronic illness; he spent nearly his entire childhood and teenage years in bed, dreaming of better days. As Ari unpacked his bags to the tune of New Delhi’s bustling streets, he reflected on his past 12 years and was grateful that his challenging path had led him to India. Just a few months before, while lying riddled with pain and nausea in his bed at home in California, traveling to India for stem cell treatment was a mere distant wish. He didn’t dare imagine that in a matter of months, he would be sitting atop a hospital bed in New Delhi, preparing for the Human Embryonic Stem Cell Transplant that would hopefully mark the beginning of his journey to wellness.
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My husband and I have realized, retrospectively, that I started feeling generally unwell as much as a year before we discovered we were pregnant with Isaac (Ike), who is 5 now, but the pregnancy became my primary condition and concern, and we didn’t realize there was an underlying illness.
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22 year old Makayla has big dreams. She’s always dreamt of going to college and majoring in the veterenary sciences, and she plans to someday become a veterinarian for marine mammals so she can make a meaningful impact on the creatures that live in our seas. However, little did Makayla know, at age 14 her dreams would be put on hold as she found herself in a complex health battle and a struggle to obtain the treatment that she needed to get well.
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Eight years ago Daniel was a healthy and vibrant child, then what seemed like overnight, began spiraling into a never ending series of mystifying and debilitating illnesses.
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I have come a long way since February 2014 when I became sick. This past October 1st marked 1 full year of antibiotic therapy for Babesia and Lyme disease. For the past three months, I have been treating Bartonella and Lyme. My head pressure is slowly improving and so is my heart pain. My other 20+ symptoms still persist, especially the fatigue. For the past two years there have maybe been 20-30 days of being headache free.
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I very sincerely want to thank you for coming to my aid and giving me and my family the grant that truly saved my life by allowing me to continue treatment at a time when my family had hit rock bottom and were totally unable to support my needs any longer.
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I was truly stunned when I opened your email and saw I was a recipient of Grant Funds. I couldn’t believe it. I’ve never felt so excited, as that moment reading your email. I called my Mom immediately. She couldn’t believe it either. We realize there are so many young people with Lyme across the country in need of financial help.
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When I first wrote you, Max was bed bound and had been for a couple of years. I spent every night consoling him. He was afraid to go to sleep….afraid he would not wake up. He was in constant and severe pain and agony, he suffered extreme and non relenting dizziness and nausea.
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I can still recall the immense feeling of relief that I felt when I first opened the email from LymeLight Foundation, stating that my 2 little boys were the recipients of a grant for their chronic Lyme treatment. I remember reading it several times so it could sink in.
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Waking up with a clear head, focused eyes and a properly beating heart is something that Krista will never take for granted again. Unlike most young adults, she’s had to fight for the simple things, things that most don’t have to give a second thought. As a teenager, Krista went from running, hiking and fencing to barely being able to rise from bed to get to school on time. She lost abilities she never expected she’d lose, including her ability to recall her very own childhood memories.
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Eyes fluttering open, the room around me pulsated. Or was that my aching muscles? Eyelids? Hands? Pain shot from my head through to my toes trapped everywhere in-between. Finally conscious after hours of delirious sleep, I tried to sit up but couldn’t. My eyes rolled down to look at the small feet lying limply across the white, blue and pink checked blanket, concentrating to make them move.
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While most 4 year olds’ biggest daily concerns often encompass what they’ll have for snack or taking the notorious nap, Mallory Qualls faced far graver challenges as she rose to greet each day. At just 4 years of age, Mallory was bitten by a tick, and began exhibiting debilitating symptoms that no young child should ever have to endure. Shortly after her tick bite, Mallory’s little body was plagued with joint and head pain that often landed her in the emergency room. Yet, Mallory’s doctors never pinpointed the source of the debilitation, and never suspected that the bite of a tick could be the cause of her suffering.
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Marlin was born on March 28, 2001. My pregnancy was normal and I felt healthy throughout, however, the birthing process and first few days of Marlin’s life did not come without complications. During delivery, Marlin was pressed up against the umbilical cord and upon birth, he had an abnormal heartbeat, low blood sugar, he was jaundiced, and didn’t utter a sound. Marlin spent his first 4 days of life in NICU, where he was tested for a wide range of ailments and conditions. Thankfully, all tests were negative.
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It’s not every day that the average person gets a chance to reflect on their journey, and to reminisce about what lead them to where they are standing today. Unless you are a Late Stage Lyme patient, that is. For those struggling with Lyme Disease, each passing day is a reminder of how far you have come, what you have gained, what you’ve lost, and how far you have to go. As a Lyme patient, I’ve come to learn that though each waking day is a battle, it is also a gift that should never be taken for granted.
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Shae was diagnosed with Second Stage Lyme Disease in 2011. I have been on long-term antibiotic therapy for almost two year. I was very ill when diagnosed and suffered from what I thought were migraines but was severe pain in my head and face, extreme fatigue, loss of balance and coordination, heart murmur, severe anxiety and depression, nausea, and several cognitive and neurological issues including loss of memory and mixing up words.
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