Rowyn – Making Dreams Come True
My Lyme story began at age 18, when I became extremely ill. My symptoms included vertigo, lightheadedness, painful headaches, body aches, brain fog, anxiety, food allergies and more. I was housebound. Prior to that I was VERY physically active, very social, and a 4.0 student all my life. I finished high school a year early with multiple college credits and was enrolled in cosmetology school as a full-time student while ALSO working at a salon.
It felt like overnight I had lost my independence and everything I worked SO hard for. I lost my ability to attend school, work, have friends, or go out without assistance. Most days, I LITERALLY thought I was NOT going to make it.
I saw over 10 doctors before getting properly diagnosed by a Lyme Literate Doctor, however, my family was unable to afford the recommended treatment, and, I was stuck.
The LymeLight Foundation truly became MY light at the end of the tunnel.
After receiving my treatment grant in 2021, I began IV treatment, medications, a supplement regime and got all the necessary testing. Thanks to LymeLight I was FINALLY able to get back on track, have a quality life again, continue my education and return to my career. AND…. achieve SO many other milestones.
I am now 22, recently graduated, and am now a licensed cosmetologist! I am running my own thriving business as a makeup artist as a wedding vendor, and I am proud to say that I am fully booked. Although I still have bad days, I am so grateful I can manage a full schedule again and have a fulfilled life.
The LymeLight Foundation significantly changed my life and I will FOREVER be thankful! The donors and supporters, gave me incredible support at the hardest time of my life. Thank you for giving me, and so many others, a community, sense of belonging, and a backbone of hope. From the bottom of my heart – THANK YOU!