Briana LymeLight Foundation Story Of Hope

Briana – a Beacon of Light

My chronic Lyme became debilitating right at the beginning of the pandemic when I was 22. I was unable to walk for weeks and then on crutches for months. My joints were badly attacked along with my liver and gallbladder function.

Thankfully, a family friend directed me to a Lyme-literate naturopathic doctor who helped me start my healing journey. But, as we all know, this is an extremely expensive illness to have and insurance wasn’t covering any medications. I was spending hundreds to thousands of dollars monthly and the financial stress made me worse.

My family found LymeLight online and I applied with little hope. Little did I know, it would be a beacon of light through all this darkness. It’s only because of this foundation I was able to get my medications and try other protocols until I found what worked best for me. I had to educate myself along the way. Now, at age 25, I still have a long way to go but I am finally on a protocol that is working for me! I never would have been able to find and try it without the LymeLight Foundation. I’m so deeply thankful to LymeLight for the help I’ve received and for anyone who’s donated money. It’s because of you I am getting my life back!

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