Charlie – My Heart Is Full of Joy
We believe Charlie was born with Lyme. However, she started having a very difficult time around the age of 4 with fatigue, digestion, muscle pains, dark circles under her eyes, low immunoglobulins, low grade fevers, weight loss, noise sensitivity, and more. Antibiotics and a healthy diet weren’t making much of an improvement. When Charlie started school she was missing weeks at a time with different symptoms but no real explanation. After her mother was diagnosed with Lyme, she realized Charlie likely suffered from it is well. Igenex Laboratory tested Charlie for Lyme and the tests were positive. However, our insurance wouldn’t pay for her to see a LLMD and she needed a specialist that understood what she was going through.
We reached out to LymeLight Foundation for help, and after receiving a grant, Charlie was able to begin treatment under the care of a LLMD. She has been under this care for several years and we have seen so much improvement! She stopped missing weeks of school, doesn’t complain about noise, light sensitivity, muscle pains, fatigue, night sweats, and more. She hasn’t had a fever or missed school in 6 months!!!! This is a miracle because she used to get unexplained fevers that would last 5-6 days. She is on a maintenance plan now and still has many supplements and protocols to follow; however, she is so much better. She is gaining weight again and growing. There is hope, and when I look at how far she has come my heart is full of joy. The journey isn’t over but these days are much brighter than the past. We continue to see her LLMD. Fear isn’t banging on our door and some days it’s under our feet!
Thank you to LymeLight for making it possible – the sea parted and everything improved for Charlie. Life is so much better and the grant money made it all possible. We couldn’t have done it without all the volunteers and grant donors. Without the LymeLight Foundation we would not be where we are today.