Meghan – Happy and Healthy Again
In July of 2019, I was diagnosed with Lyme disease after struggling for years with symptoms that included brain fog, musculoskeletal pain, severe digestive issues, hormonal issues, exercise intolerance, to name a few. I had just graduated college and was not able to do any of the things all my friends were doing. I had no energy to travel, spend time with friends or even work a 40-hour workweek. I was 21 years old and missing out on life.
I ended up finding a practitioner near me who suggested applying for a LymeLight grant. I was able to receive the grant and begin treatment quickly after. There are no words that describe how grateful I am to LymeLight for this extremely generous gift. After a year of treatment, I was able to exercise a little more and work a decent amount of hours. I was able to try different types of treatment that I wouldn’t have been able to try without a grant, ranging from chiropractic, homeopathy, IV’s, ozone, massage therapy, saunas, and supplements. This grant allowed me to see what worked best without worrying about the financial burden it caused.
It has been two years since my diagnosis and recently I was able to move out of my parents’ home, go back to school to become a Natural Food Chef, enjoy life, travel more, and most of all feel like a normal young adult. I am the happiest and healthiest I have been since my diagnosis, which is something I thought I would never be able to say. With the help of LymeLight, I was able to gain control of my life and finally start pursuing my dreams. I am not in remission yet, but I am 80% better than I was two years ago. Thank you from the bottom of my heart LymeLight. I am forever grateful.