A 5-year-old’s Story
Rocky – A 5-year-old’s Story Today I am writing to share our story of hope in hope that someone else will see this and be encouraged. My name is Rocky and my mom is helping me tell my story. I am a 5-year-old little boy who loves all things outdoors, my dogs, and just...
Briana – a Beacon of Light
Briana – a Beacon of Light My chronic Lyme became debilitating right at the beginning of the pandemic when I was 22. I was unable to walk for weeks and then on crutches for months. My joints were badly attacked along with my liver and gallbladder function. Thankfully,...
Tori – A Life Changing Perspective
Tori – A Life Changing Perspective This Lyme journey hasn’t been easy. I was playing college soccer and running track when I started to experience anxiety, depression and severe gastrointestinal symptoms. I searched for an answer, going from doctor-to-doctor,...
Ryan – Uncovering the Truth
Ryan – Uncovering the Truth During my junior year at Oregon State University in 2021, I started having jaw soreness. I didn’t think much of it at first, but every time I spoke with someone or ate a meal, the soreness got progressively more intense. Eventually,...
Elijah – A Future of Endless Possibilities
Elijah – A Future of Endless Possibilities Hindsight is 20/20 or so they say. There have been moments in my journey that have had the lowest of lows, but standing now at the highest of highs, I wish I could go back and reassure the persistent spirit I had that it...
Ava – A Family’s Faith for her Healing
Ava – A Family’s Faith for her Healing After many years of struggling with my own mysterious illness that included many doctor’s visits, misdiagnoses and medical gaslighting I was diagnosed with Lyme disease and co-infections. It wasn’t until I received my own...
Bronson & Oliver – Decreasing Stress Helped our Recovery
Bronson & Oliver – Decreasing Stress Helped our Recovery When Bronson was only 14 months old, we found a tick embedded behind his ear. Unfortunately, itwould be years before anyone realized the 21 days of amoxicillin was not enough to eradicate tickborneillness...
Maura – Refusing to Quit
Maura – Refusing to Quit Being sick has changed my life in so many ways, and I literally lost the girl I used to be. I used to be so free, without any physical or mental limitations. However, since becoming ill, I have had to relearn how to live my life. My body...
Ethan – “No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.”
Ethan – “No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.” Growing up, I had sporadic skin issues that caused me a lot of pain. My skin would get deep lesions that cracked and bled. Sometimes it was so painful to walk, I would limp around trying to walk on my...
Evan – A Second Chance at Life
Evan – A Second Chance at Life I’ve always been someone who took life by the horns. If I wanted something, I would figure out a way to get it. I had big dreams and passions. I was excited to grow up and become successful, one of those people that everyone knows. Queue...
Eden – Hard work pays off
Eden – Hard work pays off When I was very young, I was a completely normal kid. I had stamina for running, wasn’t experiencing psychological issues and had lots of friends. But slowly, weird things started happening to me. Frequently, I started having horrible...
Elayna – Dancing Again
Elayna – Dancing Again When I was a little girl, I did not have stamina like the other kids. I knew how to run, but I couldn’t keep up and run with the others. I didn’t really understand why. I also had learning problems but they would come and go. Sometimes I did...
Evie – On the Way to Recovery
Evie – On the Way to Recovery It took 6 years to be diagnosed with Lyme disease. We had no idea what was wrong or why I felt so awful all the time. It was a relief to finally find out what it was, but scary to know that it would take a long time to get better. My...
Scarlett – Healing faster than we imagined
Scarlett – Healing faster than we imagined My daughter, Scarlett, has congenital Lyme disease along with some other troublesome co-infections that I unknowingly gave her. The guilt I feel as mother for giving her this hardship is greater than I can describe. I cannot...
Meghan – Happy and Healthy Again
Meghan – Happy and Healthy Again In July of 2019, I was diagnosed with Lyme disease after struggling for years with symptoms that included brain fog, musculoskeletal pain, severe digestive issues, hormonal issues, exercise intolerance, to name a few. I had just...
David – Finally Seeing the Light
David – Finally Seeing the Light I’ve always been an outdoorsman and was always in the woods or on the water. Eleven years ago when I was 16, a friend of mine noticed the “bullseye rash” on the back of my neck. I went to a dermatologist and they instantly knew it was...
Megan – Hope to Keep Fighting
Megan – Hope to Keep Fighting A tick bite can drastically change your life! At the age of 24 and newly married, I discovered a tick bite. What I thought would be a relatively easy and straightforward 10-day treatment of doxycycline to prevent Lyme disease,...
Courtney – A Two-Year Journey Towards Remission
Courtney – A Two-Year Journey Towards Remission In September of 2016, I was admitted to the ER for a 103 degree fever and excruciating pain in my neck, back, legs, jaw, head, etc. The doctors did a spinal tap and hooked me up to IV fluids, but couldn’t figure...
Monica – Finally Feeling Validated
Monica – Finally Feeling Validated In July 2019, I went camping at a lake in California. At the time, I wasn’t aware of Lyme disease. There were warning signs showing infected ticks in the area. After returning from the camping trip, I started to get flu-like symptoms...
Jordan – Able to Care for her Daughter Again
Jordan – Able to Care for her Daughter Again My daughter, Jordan was bitten by a tick when she was nine and treated for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. We thought this was over until she was 21 years old and became the mother of very sick little girl named Marlee Jay....
Luke and Lexi – Family’s Decade-Long Journey
Luke and Lexi – Family’s Decade-Long Journey Our family had been balancing the physical, emotional, financial and political battle of Lyme disease for over ten years before we found LymeLight. One little tick bite really can drastically change your life forever, in...
Amanda – Growing Stronger and Gaining Confidence
Amanda – Growing Stronger and Gaining Confidence Amanda faced quite a few challenges early in life. She was born with a cleft palate and diagnosed with infantile spasm seizures. After cleft palate repair surgery and finding seizure medication to help control seizures,...
Kaylee – A Brighter Future
Kaylee – A Brighter Future Five years ago, my life changed drastically when I became ill. My symptoms became very debilitating and included stomach issues, severe joint pain, horrible fatigue, eye infections, and skin problems. After visiting a gastrointestinal...
Zoe – Engineering Hope
Zoe – Engineering Hope Before Lyme disease, I was a varsity collegiate field hockey player. I was easily able to run half marathons and exercise every day. I spent a semester studying abroad in Costa Rica. After my trip, I began experiencing a plethora of Lyme...
MorganPaige – Prayers Answered
MorganPaige – Prayers Answered I am not exactly sure when I was bitten. I never found a tick. This made my diagnosis so challenging. My symptoms began at 10 or 11 years old when I started having air hunger. My Mom took me to the doctor. They said it might be asthma...
Marcey Anne – Dreams Do Come True
Marcey Anne – Dreams Do Come True For as long as I can remember, I had a dream of becoming a successful business woman. I imagined confidently walking into the corporate office building, in my business suit, carrying my portfolio and briefcase. But Lyme invaded...
Rachael – Navigating the Ups and Downs
Rachael – Navigating the Ups and Downs I became sick with Lyme and co-infections about ten years ago but I did not know it at the time. It started as flu-like symptoms with stomach upset, nausea and extreme dizziness. I spent years trying to figure out why I was so...
Lauren – A Seed of Hope
Lauren – A Seed of Hope Just days before my 14th birthday in May of 2015, I was struck down by a mysterious illness that doctors couldn’t explain. Within months, I became homebound and mostly bedridden, suffering from severe physical and neurological...
Camden – Nothing Short of a Miracle
Camden – Nothing Short of a Miracle Camden was bitten at 22 months old and immediately spiked a fever, had a seizure and stopped breathing. Two days after his seizure, he developed a full body rash and golf ball-sized lymph nodes on his neck so large, he was unable to...
Micaiah – Active, Healthy and Thriving
Micaiah – Active, Healthy and Thriving At the age of two and a half, our daughter Micaiah was having trouble with one of her most important senses, her vision. She struggled with depth perception, convergence and balance. We worried about how these problems would...
Emily – Headed in the Right Direction
Emily – Headed in the Right Direction My health issues started in childhood. From an early age, I was plagued with a laundry list of illnesses and conditions: ear infections, strep throat, sinus infections, allergies, chemical and environmental sensitivities,...
Hannah – Finally Healing
Hannah – Finally Healing For six years, I was sick to the point of being disabled and bedridden for three of those years. As a young woman, I found it increasingly difficult to get answers. I went through eight doctors in one year. They told me it was probably in my...
Malena – Fighting the Battle
Malena – Fighting the Battle Malena has been battling Lyme disease, Bartonella and Babesia for at least seven years. As with so many, she lost her childhood. She was pulled from school in 5th grade and began virtual school. She has been hospital and homebound...
Vivienne – Finally Moving Forward
Vivienne – Finally Moving Forward Vivienne was bitten by a tick when she was two years old. She went through years of treatment trying to fully recover. She was able to maintain a normal schedule but fatigued easily. She had a joint pain and fevers that slowed her...
Bethanie – Endlessly Thankful
Bethanie – Endlessly Thankful I have always lived in New England, where there is a lot of exposure to ticks. I loved to fish and was often in tall grass down by the water. My story is believed to have started around 2010. I was in college and, seemingly overnight, I...
Paul – A Godsend for Family
Paul – A Godsend for Family Paul has had lifelong health struggles that first manifested as learning delays as a toddler. While receiving speech therapy in preschool, he was suspected as having mild autism. However, it would be years before he would receive a...
Mikayla – Learning to Heal
Mikayla – Learning to Heal My name is Mikayla and I am 24 years old. I found out I had Lyme disease back in May 2013 after seeing multiple doctors that chose to dismiss all of my symptoms causing my health to decline. When I finally got diagnosed with Lyme, I was so...
Maya – An Abundance of Hope
Maya – An Abundance of Hope When Maya was nearly six years old, she was bitten by a tick. Not long after this known tick bite, symptoms started including gastro issues, racing heart, cognitive issues, brain fog and severe knee pain. We took her to doctor after doctor...
Jacob – Giving Back
Jacob – Giving Back I’m not sure where or when I contracted Lyme. As with so many others, I never a saw a tick on me. I used to run through the woods barefoot by my family’s country house. Around 11 years old, I started developing frequent headaches, digestive issues,...
Victoria – Baking Up Hope
Victoria – Baking Up Hope Since the age of 15 years old, I have been battling Lyme. Throughout the last 8 years, I have seen well over 50 doctors, only a handful of them have been helpful, and not judgmental. I tried IV antibiotics for over a year, oral antibiotics...
Tyla – Wanting to Give Back
Tyla – Wanting to Give Back My life was a dream come true. Throughout high school I worked hard, both in school and on the volleyball court, and was rewarded by getting into my first-choice university. College was great: I was surrounded by friends, I had a high...
Jameson – Growing and Playing Again
Jameson – Growing and Playing Again When Jameson was two months old, he developed his first cold. By the age of three months, he started developing frequent sinus and lung infections. He dropped from the 80th percentile to the 30th percentile on the growth...
Kaiya – We Have Our Little Girl Back
Kaiya – We Have Our Little Girl Back At the age of seven, Kaiya was frequently sick with headaches, severe stomach pain, sinus infections, joint/bone pain and memory retrieval problems. We discovered that she, along with her entire family, had Lyme disease. We...
Alicia – Alive and Thriving
Alicia – Alive and Thriving My name is Alicia and in 2015, I received a LymeLight Foundation grant after more than 15 years battling undiagnosed Lyme disease. When I finally got diagnosed with Lyme disease in 2015, I was in dire circumstances. I had developed Lyme...
Dani – A Life Changed
Dani – A Life Changed In February 2016, I was rear-ended and it activated Lyme disease to go crazy. Yet, I didn’t know I had Lyme disease. My diagnosis came after seeing over 40 doctors. That August, I tested positive for Lyme disease and co-infections. Before...
Sarah Jo – Excited for Adventure Again
Sarah Jo – Excited for Adventure AgainThe day that I received a LymeLight grant is a day I will never forget. I had been struggling for three years to get through treatment and was being met with setback after setback. I was homeless, barely working and unable to...
Abbey – Excitement for the Future
Abbey – Excitement for the FuturePrior to the blessing of grant funds provided from LymeLight Foundation, I had exhausted all financial means as a mid-twenty-year-old including my income, savings and was relying on loans to make payments for treatments. I was...
Jessica – Enjoying Life Again
Jessica – Enjoying Life Again In 2016, the summer before my senior year of high school, I began feeling unexplainably mentally and physically tired. The fatigue prevented me from participating in my fourth and final year on my high school’s tennis team. I did not pick...
Tori – Tears of Joy
Tori – Tears of Joy I am in tears writing this. I am incredibly grateful for what LymeLight Foundation has done for me. I had no hope in paying for the treatment, until I was awarded the lifetime grant. In 2012, I had unexplainable pain in both of my legs. Over the...
Shaina – Forever Grateful
Shaina – Forever Grateful When I began treatment for Lyme disease my practitioner said that I would be better in six months and would be able to resume life as a normal college girl. Over three years later I look back at that moment and think how did I get to where I...
Bethany – You Gave Me Hope!
Bethany – You Gave Me Hope! In May of 2012, my mother and I traveled to Pennsylvania for a weekend. Two weeks after we came back, I came down with a cold and a rash (but not a bulls-eye rash). I saw my doctor at the time, and he told me that while the rash...
Tajah – Smiling Again
Tajah – Smiling Again When I attended my youth church camp, as I did every year, I was not aware that this trip would change my life drastically in a short period of time. Approximately 30 days after my trip, I woke up in excruciating pain, I had a fever of 103, and a...
Matthew – Back on my Longboard!
Matthew – Back on my Longboard! Before I was diagnosed with Lyme at the age of 22, I was working 50 to 60 hours a week between my two jobs as a youth pastor and steel fabrication assistant. I was also a very active longboarder and led a team called Pushing for Impact...
Kaylin – I’m Hiking Again!
Kaylin – I’m Hiking Again! My passion is nature and I love to teach kids in the outdoors about how to protect our earth. Unfortunately that also brings me in close contact with tick infested wooded areas. In October 2013, I was bitten by a tick while I was working in...
Stella – Thriving!
Stella – Thriving! After receiving the news that Stella’s older brother was positive for Lyme disease, we had Stella tested as well. She was 2 1/2 years old at the time. It was very difficult to determine if she had abnormal neurological behaviors, or if her...
Jasmine’s Story – Hope Is Not Lost
Jasmine’s Story – Hope Is Not Lost About five years ago I was bitten by a tick. I was very sick for weeks after the tick bite. It took 4 different doctors and 3 ER visits to be tested for Lyme. I had brought up Lyme disease to each doctor. However, because I...
Capri – Optimistic!
Capri – Optimistic! Capri contracted Lyme disease in May 2011. We never saw a tick but we saw the bull’s-eye rash. We were camping when her dad’s friend pointed out the rash. I actually think the tick bite happened at our house and not while camping. She had...
Jessica and Bryce – A Better Tomorrow
Jessica and Bryce – A Better Tomorrow Jessica has had a challenging life. She was born 3 1/2 months prematurely, and experienced complications off and on for years. When she was 5, we found she needed hearing aids. Around that age, she also experienced nausea,...
Kristine – Looking to the Future!
Kristine – Looking to the Future! I am 24 years old and I have been suffering for more than half of my life from Lyme disease and its debilitating co-infections. (I was bitten by a tick when I was 4, 12, & 17 years old, & was treated with doxycycline each...
Arlo – Hope and Possibilities!
Arlo – Hope and Possibilities! Arlo’s story begins like many children born with Lyme disease and co-infections. At birth Arlo appeared healthy and strong. However, not long after birth, he began to get sick quite often. He experienced extremely high fevers, most...
Silas – Healing Is Possible
Silas – Healing Is Possible On a good day Silas is a sweet loving boy who enjoys running around outside with his friends and family. Sadly he has not been able to do that due to having such great pain in his legs and feet. I used to think it was just growing pains,...
Iris – Strides Toward Healing
Iris – Strides Toward Healing When Iris was born in 2011 we say she came out into this world screaming and has not stopped, even at the age of 5. She was always very hard to console, staying up very late into the night often having to sleep with us. She would scream...
Danielle – Climbing From the Bottom
Danielle – Climbing From the Bottom I began feeling ill in 2011. I saw my general practitioner complaining of extreme headaches, fatigue, insomnia, and muscle soreness. She ran a Western Blot test and when she called with the results she said, “Something came...
Brayden – A Journey Toward Hope
Brayden – A Journey Toward Hope When I was asked to write Brayden’s story of hope, I really struggled with where to start. Brayden is our oldest child, now age nine. As our first born, we were assured through the years that his early struggles were normal and he...
Teagan – Keep Fighting
Teagan – Keep Fighting I remember the day clearly in January 2014. My husband and I sat in our integrative physician’s office in Franklin, Tennessee waiting for our visit to start. A nurse came in and handed me Teagan’s IGenex results. I saw the positive...
Kailey – A Life Saved!
Kailey – A Life Saved! Kailey was 15 years old when her illness began. She went to the hospital in September of 2011 not knowing at that time that she would never return to high school. She spent two years chasing symptoms and seeing many doctors. Finally a physical...
Ally – I Could Have Danced All Night…And Did!
Ally – I Could Have Danced All Night…And Did! Nearly three years ago Ally (now age 18) was diagnosed with Lyme disease as well as Babesia and Bartonella. She had untreated tick bites at ages 6 and 9 with no initial rash or symptoms. When Ally was 14, symptoms...
Alice – Taking My Life Back
Alice – Taking My Life Back In 2016, when I was a student in my last year at Oberlin College, I was busy putting together my Senior Thesis Show in the visual art department. I was simultaneously very invested in my creative work and very sick with chronic Lyme...
Justyn – From Wheelchair to Walking
Justyn – From Wheelchair to Walking I first started having symptoms when I was 14 after I returned from a trip to Wyoming. Shortly after returning, I had pneumonia (or so we thought). I was entering the 8th grade. I had always had ok grades and had great relationships...
Serena – On My Way to Better Health
Serena – On My Way to Better Health I grew up running around my grandparent’s dairy farm in Vermont (which has one of the highest rates of Lyme disease in the country), and then in high school running cross-country and hiking, so I could have contracted Lyme at any...
Colt – Hope in Our Hearts
Colt – Hope in Our Hearts Our Lyme story for Colt starts with my oldest son, Brody, being diagnosed with Lyme disease in May 2014. During that appointment with our LLMD, I expressed my concern about the entire family needing to be tested because we all showed various...
Brody – Realizing His True Potential
Brody – Realizing His True Potential In the fall of 2013 we started to notice a drastic change in Brody’s behavior. He started to become violent, uncontrollable and not the same happy child he had always been. Brody had already been struggling for a while with issues...
Sarah – Hope for the Future
My daughter, Sara, lost her entire childhood due to Lyme disease. Since birth, she has endured endless neurological and medical problems, including global developmental delays, mild seizures, food allergies, severe colitis, and Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS), an autoimmune disease triggered by strep and other bacterial and viral infections that causes neuropsychiatric symptoms.
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Jordan, Morgan, & Dylan – Brighter Days
Jordan, Morgan, & Dylan – Brighter Days Our family is honored that LymeLight Foundation chose our children to receive the generous grants to help pay for their treatment of chronic Lyme disease. It could not have come at a better time. We have always been proud of...
Annalisa – From Lyme to Feature Films
Annalisa – From Lyme to Feature Films I began to get very sick around 2009 with a mysterious illness. After two years of searching I finally saw a Lyme doctor who correctly diagnosed me. I spent many years in treatment, trying different options, when finally my doctor...
Charlie – My Heart Is Full of Joy
Charlie – My Heart Is Full of Joy We believe Charlie was born with Lyme. However, she started having a very difficult time around the age of 4 with fatigue, digestion, muscle pains, dark circles under her eyes, low immunoglobulins, low grade fevers, weight loss, noise...
Benjamin and Adeline – Heartbreak to Hope
Benjamin and Adeline – Heartbreak to Hope “Daddy, do you want to buy this ring for Adeline?” Benjamin said holding up a party favor left over from his fifth birthday party. “I don’t know Benjamin. I don’t think I have any money for rings right now,” I replied,...
Quiana – Full Remission
Quiana- Full Remission Five years ago I had no idea that our family’s life was getting ready to be turned upside down – especially our 15-year-old daughter’s life. What started out as Quiana experiencing dizzy spells and headaches would, in the end, lead to...
Sarah and Deanna – A Bright Future
Sarah and Deanna – A Bright Future Sarah (age 20) and Deanna (age 17) have been sick their entire lives. They both have congenital Lyme, contracting it in utero. I did not know I had Lyme disease when I became pregnant with each of our girls. I was also not aware that...
Eric – Whatever It Takes!
Eric – Whatever It Takes! My name is Eric Casper, I’m 25 years old and this is my story. It all began when I enlisted in the U.S. Army in 2009. I was in good health and was set to deploy to Ft. Knox, KY on May 5, 2010. I had trained hard every day to...
Kanen- Paying It Forward
Kanen- Paying It Forward My name is Kanen Rose and I am 19 years old. The following is my Lyme story as best as I can recall. I was first diagnosed with Lyme disease in fourth grade. I had just started my first year in Little League and after a long day of practice we...
Nakita – Her Story
Nakita – Her Story Throughout my childhood, I was sent from doctor to doctor with constant health issues. The best diagnosis I could get was Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome (CFIDS). Finally, when I was 16, I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. Little did...
Lindsay- Full of Gratitude
Lindsay- Full of Gratitude I learned about Lyme disease in Physician Assistant school; a bulls-eye rash, flu-like symptoms, and one month of Doxycycline. It all seemed like a pretty package- a simple diagnosis any practitioner could make. This was all before I...
Jennifer- Blessing, Faith and Hope
Jennifer- Blessing, Faith and Hope At the age of sixteen I started to notice strange symptoms. I constantly felt a crushing sense of fatigue. My bones in my ankle and shins ached and felt like they were going to split open. I was constantly extremely nauseous and...
Joselyn – I Finally Have Hope
Joselyn – I Finally Have Hope My name is Joselyn and I am 22 years old. When I was seventeen in 2011, I went on a wonderful trip to New York State. We went hiking in a state park and spent a lot of time in the woods. I also went to the Catskill Mountains. When...
Jackson – A Much Better Life
Jackson – A Much Better Life Jackson was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2 1/2. Through speech therapy (OT/ABA), we saw his autism symptoms slowly improve. However, at the age of four, Jackson started having rage and behavior issues, unusual OCD, and...
Daniel – A Misunderstood Illness
Daniel – A Misunderstood Illness Chronic Lyme disease is an absolute hell to deal with – not only physically but emotionally and financially. That is why I am so glad that the LymeLight Foundation exists and that they were able to be a part of my Lyme...
Emma- Staying Strong
Emma- Staying Strong My Name is Emma Rose, I’m 18 years old and this is my story. I grew up in Humboldt County, California surrounded by the biggest, and most beautiful trees I’ve ever seen. Playing and swimming at the beach with my brother, I’d try...
Jack – The Struggle Is Real!
Jack – The Struggle Is Real! The Struggle is Real! This is Jack’s saying. Jack was diagnosed with Lyme disease in June 2015. He had symptoms of headaches, severe fatigue, loss of cognitive function, anxiety, insomnia, and a host of other issues. These...
Alyssa – One Day at a Time
Alyssa – One Day at a Time From birth, Alyssa has always been our beautifully unique child. She was born with extreme sensory disorder, and as the years past, we noticed she was showing signs of autism. We took her to many doctors and by age 5 she was diagnosed with...
Ruth – Perseverance Pays
Ruth – Perseverance Pays Ruth was born 11 years ago, a healthy baby girl. However, she was not a happy baby. At 10 months old she developed a cycle of sicknesses that has not ended. By the time she was 3 years old she had been on 16 rounds of antibiotics...
Logan – Confidence and Hope
Logan – Confidence and Hope Logan is in slow recovery mode using multiple natural medicines. Thanks to the LymeLight Foundation grant, Logan continues to get better against all odds. He has genetic detoxification defects along with Lyme disease. He has...
Ashley – Bunnies = Best Therapy
Ashley – Bunnies = Best Therapy I first became sick on my 16th Birthday. My doctor diagnosed me with mono at the time… but little did I know that was only the beginning of a very hard, lonely, and miserable 7 year plus health nightmare. After two years of...
Erica – The Light of Hope
Erica – The Light of Hope Hi everyone! My name is Erica Cooper. I was officially diagnosed with Lyme disease when I was 24 years old, I’m 27 now. I would probably not be writing this if I had not been diagnosed in 2011 by an amazing doctor named Paul...
Katherine – A Mother’s Hope
Katherine’s Lyme story started when she was seven years old. She had a bulls-eye rash, one of the tell-tale signs of Lyme disease, only I did not know it at the time, and apparently neither did her doctor.
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Megan – Moving On With Life
I was always a very active, energetic child and young adult. When I turned 19 I went to Colorado to work at a camp as an outdoor instructor. I led backpacking, hiking, mountain biking and other various outdoor activities. Unfortunately, I got very sick for a few weeks and then spent the rest of the summer feeling run down.
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Georgie – Silence to Courage
Georgie – Silence to Courage It was three years of being misdiagnosed. By the end of those three years, I was not the cheerful, lively person I once was. I became frail and timid; losing a little part of me every time I went into the doctors and given no...
Lucas – Cautiously Optimistic
As a child growing up, Lucas was a shining star full of energy, creativity, and boundless curiosity. He was a leader among his peers, taking his friends on adventures throughout the woods in and around our neighborhood, always ready with a smile and a joke. He loved his friends, being out in nature, and taking long bike rides and hikes with his dad.
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Penelope – Engaging in Life
Penelope has been sick her whole life. I knew my daughter was ill 3 days after I brought her home from the hospital. I took her to many doctors and specialists over the course of three years and received a diagnosis of allergies. She had lost a lot of weight, had thyroid and adrenal issues, digestive issues, arthritis, headaches, hallucinations, sleep issues, sinus issues. None of the doctors recognized Lyme.
Read Her Full Story